Saturday, September 04, 2004

Weird Weather

Song I'm Into Right Now: The Killers - Somebody Told Me

The weather is slowly changing these past few days. It look like summer won't be here for long. Anyways, work on Friday and it sure went by fast. It seems like work is going by much faster these days. I guess I must have master the art of Student Advisory haha (Lame I know)....I remembered when I was in training mode and everything was a bitch to do and how I have to memorize all these things about the Freaken Associated Student Inc. Now, as I do more and more, its much easier to communicate with people there and everything I do now is automatic.

After work I got outta there fast...stop by Leos and kinda help him on his math...played a lil SF3rd Strike, was planning to do something but got tired and went home. Oh yea! I forgot to deposit my paycheck so...yea that sucks. On Saturday, I woke up early, ate, took a shower and then pick up my NoTorious B.i.G Sister from the Burbank Airport. I was in a rush too cuz the plane arrives at 12:15pm and I left the house at around 12:00. Good thing the I-10 West had no traffic and the I-5 North too. Got there right on time! Cut through traffic like mad though, had my half trusty Beltronic 980 Radar Detector (doesn't work as well in the heat). It still caught about 2-3 cops while I was going and coming back from there, missed about 2-3 too hehe.

Watched a couple of asian movie and mom made steak for dinner, so that was pretty cool. It was GOOD! Ate like 5 steaks, 2 big dishes of Rice, and some chicken soup. Great Dinner overall, then parents left for church and BiG sis and I went to Cousin Donnas House. Chill there for a while and watch some old Asian movie that was on Cable and then after that we left for the Summer Jubilee thing at Main Street. We walked around and took some picture, it was alright, we both got some fresh air and putting out our germs(both of us have the cough). Haven't gone out for a while cuz of this cough. But I'm getting better now, so I'll be out in no time baby! First thing on the to do list is catch a movie! Yeah


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dinner seems yummy!!! jealous now!!!! :p

2:21 AM  

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