Wednesday, August 25, 2004

The Bel 980 Exorcist

Day started with me going to work five minutes was no biggie although there were a lot of things to do at work. The best part about having a lot of work is that the time past by much more quickly. Got home right away hoping to find my Beltronic 980 Radar delivered at my front door but thats not what happened. Got home and found nothing, checked the tracking number online and it said that the package is still in transit. GRRR. Also found out that they try to deliver my Western Digital Serial ATA 120GB Hard Drive to an incorrect address. So I called them and fixed it, so it should be coming today since its 2:35am right now. Then after waiting for a while the Beltronic 980 Radar came at 6pm. Was so anxious to test it out but had to eat dinner first then go out with Jackie,Jimmy, and Tina. So I ate and took the radar and test it right away, drove to get gas and the radar power on and everything but it doesn't seem to beep or detect anything. Picked up Tina and drove to Puente Hills AMC theater.
We were suppose to meet up with Jacky and Jimmy but they didn't get there in time to watch Exorcist - The Beginning with us. It was good though, I liked it, it was the first exorcist movie I saw, I had fun. Tina was scared and had to help her cover her eyes, I had fun. The movie had a few surprises too, I jumped a few times. Anyways afterward we were gonna go to the Tea House at Diamond Plaza on the Exit of Fullerton Rd. Realized that the radar still hasn't beep once yet. Then right on the exit, the radar went off and beep like crazy, I stop on the red and looked across the street and there was the Cop car, and right went the lights turn green it pulled over a white 2003 Honda Accord Coupe(girl). I was like damn this shit actually work, so far the radar seems to be working pretty good, I'll update more later on...Anyways the Tea house was close so we went back to Alhambra, then garden Cafe. The radar once again went off at Valley and of course there are tons of cops at valley at the late hours.
Well The day turned out to be pretty good and I had a lot of fun especially with Tina being all scared while watching Exorcist. Well getting kinda tired now, so I guess I'll pop in a asian movie and fall asleep.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey dis is jackie...
sorry about last nite.... =(
hope you were not mad, but at least u had fun... =D
wow... i wanna see the radar... haha!! so it will let u know if the police is around... is that what are u saying??? wow!!! cool.... =)

1:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ur radar is COOL!!! i like it when it detects the cops miles away!!! and...thanx!!! :p

2:26 AM  

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